Monday, July 19, 2010

Is it useless to try to talk a woman out of a baby name she loves?

My girl friend is 6 months pregnant with a little girl. She told me that she is absolutely dead set on the name Michaelangela Baronica. She's loved the name Michaelangela since she was a little girl, and Baronica is Veronica (her mom's name) with a B.

I really detest this I over reacting?

Is it useless to try to talk a woman out of a baby name she loves?
It's a different name... Maybe you could try to talk her into changing one of them for something a bit more traditional. Sometimes too many unique names in a row is overwhelming. What about Michaelangela Veronica... It would highlight her mother's name, the whole thing would sound more 'normal' and she would keep the unique first name.

Honestly, it probably will be hard to get her to change her mind. If my baby's a little girl, I'm naming her Alouette Jolie (I speak French fluently). My mother-in-law hates it, and I don't give a darn. (Luckily, my husband loves it.) Just nicely tell her what you think, suggest an alternative, and leave it in her court.

***Edit: on second thought, that really is an unfortunate name. I probably would push a bit harder to change this one than I would if it were Ashely or something like that.
Reply:It is pretty useless to try to talk a women out of a name she loves. I always knew my first daughter would be named Meghan Elizabeth. He wasn't crazy about it at and tried talking me into Kieran Elizabeth, but I wouldn't budge. I couldn't. We negotiated on possible boy names, but I knew all along I was having a girl. It's not that I don't want his input, but Meghan has special meaning to me. He didn't detest the name Meghan, but he didn't like it either.

As for dealing with your girlfriend, my best advice is to talk to her some more and see if you can't break the name up a little bit, so that it's half your choice half hers. If she is dead set on Michaelangela for the first name why can't you pick the middle name? or vice versa. That way you can call your daughter by her middle name. Of course you can always just have a nickname for her.

Good luck!
Reply:You are definitely not over reacting. You have just as much say as she does since you are the dad. My fiance had his heart set on a middle name that I did not want and we were able to find another name that he also liked and so did I. If she is soooo insistent on the name Michaelangela and wont back down maybe consider it for the middle name so you can compromise?

There are bound to be other names she likes and you will like too.
Reply:It's not useless...................please express again your dislike to your gf again. This name does not make any sense whatsoever.

Your gf must be small minded to have picked such an ugly name.

Poor child :(
Reply:If you are the dad, then you have some say. Otherwise, yes, it's useless. Maybe you could just tell her you don't like the name and suggest some others. If she is dead set on this name, come up with a nickname that you DO like and call the baby that. For instance, if she insists on Michaelangela just call the baby Angela of Angie.
Reply:this question is definitely a joke.

Anyway, I sure hope it is and that someone isn't seriously considering saddling her daughter with the name "Michaelangela Baronica". Please call CPS now!!!!

Seriously, though, you cannot think of trying to talk your girlfriend out of this hideous name as "useless." I'd say this is your duty to try to talk her out of it. But in the end, since you are not married, how much say do you really have???
Reply:i dont think your over reacting just tell her how you feel on the name and ask her if you can choose 'one' that you 'both' love... not fair havin a name for your daughter if you dont like it!! you both have to love the name!!

I think anyway !!

Good luck!
Reply:if you really don't like them, she should listen to you.

they are too different for my taste, but i've definitely heard worse.

eta: i think everyone is being kind of judgemental here. its not THAAAT bad. i hate it when people poo poo other people's creative name - no, i wouldn't choose them. but its not my kid. if YOU don't like them (and your the father) you should have a say in it. its a mouthful and definitely not a name anyone will actually call her...she will obviously end up with a nickname like 'mikey' 'mickey' 'angie' or 'nica' could you live with those?

Reply:oh lord, i hope you're kidding. im sorry but that name is terrible. lets hope you can change her mind.
Reply:yeah it kind of is... :) well its a mouth full but I've heard worse. Just ask her to spell it like five times and tell her that anytime she or the kid gives their name to anyone it needs to be spelled out. Or just how about teaching her at age 3 to write her name...

But if you really dont like it she should respect it and you could try to work out something.

And its not really fair that she gets to give her the both names. Maybe you could tell her that you want to come up with a name too, she canhave first or second but not both.. Especially if you dont care for them too much..
Reply:You have your opinion, but I know I am really stubborn with the baby names that I am set on. My boyfriend... Doesn't like them much but I will take his names into consideration. Talk to her?
Reply:aww u poor thing! lol

yeh u r totally in a mess aren't you, just tell her you think the name is too wierd and absolutely ridiculous for a child's name and that you are totally not happy with it. if she knows that you totally disagree then (if she is a good gf) she will reconsider. haha im sorry but come on, michael angela whats that her parent's names or something? lol maybe suggest to her a normal name, like mikaela, its kinda similar. michaelangela is not a name for a baby, and thats exactly what it is, a baby (just remind her incase she forgot, you are naming a child, not a statue of an artist guy) thats what i thought of that michaelangelo guy..

good luck! i think u will b needing it
Reply:Is this your child? If so, you have every right to tell her how much you hate the name. I'm with you, it sounds like something a child made up. It is too much and it slurs together in the middle.

You should agree on the name for your baby.
Reply:There is a difference between not liking a name %26amp; despising a name. That has to be the ugliest name I have ever heard. Seriously Baronica? I am all for unusual names, I actually hate common names, but this has got to go! What about Veronica (%26amp; if she must) Michaelangela. Ew no, I hate to be rude if this is going to be the name of your baby but it's just awful. My brother wasn't crazy about his son's name before they had him but now he loves it b/c it's is son's name. He let it go b/c his wife loved it. That being said, it wasn't Michaelangela. You need to fight for your baby %26amp; you don't budge! Good luck!
Reply:no it is not useless

i really wanted Elka , i decided if we ever have a pet then that will be the pets name

i dont even know how to pronounce michaelangela

baronica sounds like harmonica

try to get friends and family to tell her its not going to work
Reply:That's possibly the worst name I've ever seen.

Tell her she needs to compromise with you on this. Or if you lose the battle make up your own nickname for her - she'll probably end up going by that!!
Reply:no you are not over reacting at all! its your baby as well so i think that you should be able to have a say in this. my husband got to pick our baby's name and i actually like it a lot. girls are very high strung though and if they are stuck on something its usually set. try to talk to her maybe you two can come up with something you both will be happy about. my husband said that because i get to have the baby he gets to name it. i didn't really think that was fair since naming a baby is a whole lot easier than having one but i said okay because he talked to me about it and if i didn't like the name he picked out he chose a different one. try and talk to her. GOOD LUCK

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