So I'm a little confused on why ppl get angry when you "copy" certain things. I have a friend that gets down right livid when any of our friends get something she has or wants.
Once we discussed baby names we liked. She and I both favored several of the same names but she gave me a list of 4 names that are "off limits" to me. I just thought that was ridiculous! If I want to name my kid something I don't care who's name it is I'm using it and I kind of think it's immature to say "don't copy me!!!"
She also got angry at me when she went furniture shopping w/ me. I found a sofa I liked.. She went out the next weekend and bought the exact one. I didn't mind at all. I was flattered and gave my self a pat on the back for having good taste. But when I told her I still planned on buying the same sofa she told me it was too late and that i should pick something else b/c we both would seem silly to have the same sofas being best friends. When I told her I didn't mind she got angry. I laughed at her and left. She's still mad. lol What is with ppl???
What is the big deal about choosing things...whether it be furniture or baby names......that are similar or the same if you like them....Who else finds this "dont-copy-me" mentality as preschool as I do?
What is the big deal w/ copying baby names and other things?
I agree. People get so uptight over a situation. I know a girl that wanted to name her daughter Brianna Elizabeth (my daughter's name) she's across the nation now and I said do whatever I don't care. It's not like we're gonna have them in the same classroom or anything!
I saw someone on here the other day post, this is my name don't you dare steal it. And my honest answer to this person was well, you've put it out there for people to see and know. You CAN'T stop them from using this name. So that's just something your going to have to get over.
And as for your friend. Is seems like she has some growing up to do. She seems very immature. Getting mad over a couch you picked out and she went and got it? Knowing you were gonna get it. It seems as if she doesn't want anyone to 1 up her.
Reply:Yep. I see a lot of women come on here and complain that their best friend/sister/cousin etc. STOLE their baby name. Ridiculous. If you like the name, you can still use it. It's even more pathetic when the person isn't even pregnant and they're complaining.
Reply:I don't know how she got to be your bf--she's selfish to the core.
Buy what you like, name your kids as you like, and if she throws a fit, too bad. The more you let her push you around, the worse her tantrums are going to be.
TX Mom
Reply:I do!! My 7 year old and 10 year old fight about that. I think it is terrible that a grown woman is like that. Get the couch and name your children the names that you want. It is your life and she cannot run it!
Reply:While I think your friend is being a bit extreme with her attitude, I do understand the name issue to an extent. If you and your friend are close, your children may end up spending a lot of time together and having the same name could be confusing. (The couch thing on the other hand is just weird) That said, once they get out and meet more people at school, in clubs and eventually at work, it is likely they will come across people with the same name eventually.
People like to think they are unique and original - and in many ways they are. But sometimes peoples' tastes are more similar than they would like to admit. If you choose not to name your child something because someone else is using it - that is fine. But telling someone else they can't use a name because you want to is not fair.
Reply:lol I think you should talk things over with your best friend, she seems way uptight and mental to me!
The sofa thing is pretty preschool-ish, I agree, and it's a little insane of her to have four off-limit names, but I can see why people might feel territorial over baby names otherwise.
Naming a kid is supposed to be a big deal - it's your kid, after all lol. If, for instance, you've already told others what you plan on naming your child and then the next day a friend gives birth and uses that name, I'd probably be more than a little pissed. Especially if it's a name that you'd worked hard to find and that you felt was perfect, because now it looks like you're just copying them.
That's only in that kind of case though; what your friend is doing is just weird lol.
Reply:I think your friend is unreasonable, however I don't think it's all that unreasonable for her to expect you not to copy her favourite names. I would be more than happy to recommend some of my favourite names to a pregnant friend, but I wouldn't be happy if they used names they know I had planned to name my child(ren) without consent (that is, providing they got the idea from me).
Reply:I DO.
spesh your sofa example - you found it first! how silly.
and if you don't mind your kids having matching names (which i don't either, me and my sister both want to name our first girls elsie - i already have and she's still planning to, which i think is CUTE that they'll have the same name not annoying), then she shouldn't either. sorry if that sentence was a little confusing bc the bit in brackets was so long.
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